The End Result Post Safety 6 Pack Implementation


  • Comprehensive Training of Safety 6 Pack  
  • Will be Issued with Element reminder cards
  • Memorise & utilise the Safety 6 Pack Elements
  • Begin filling out the supplied incident sheets
  • Discussing the incident sheets within meetings
  • Knowing how to take appropriate preventive measures
  • Ability to collaborate with colleagues to promote a culture of safety in the workplace
  • Creation of a positive attitude towards safety, viewing it as an integral part of daily life rather than a separate obligation
  • Awareness of how various human factors can pose risks to workplace safety

By remembering our 6 elements, employees contribute to the overall success of the safety scheme and help foster a culture of safety within your organisation. This, in turn, leads to a safer, more productive, and healthier work environment for everyone involved.

Management Team

  • Better tracking of incidents
  • A dedicated Safety 6 Pack for all the incident sheets created (extra contents are available on request)
  • Better data for running reports 
  • Inter Department team building due to shared data and problem resolution
  • An emphasis on safety will lead to a healthier workforce, reducing the likelihood of illnesses and injuries that result in absenteeism. 
  • Employees who see their managers prioritising safety will have higher morale and engagement levels. 
  • A safer work environment translates to higher productivity. 
  • A team committed to a safety scheme, are more  likely to show improved safety performance, resulting in a reduction in workplace accidents, injuries, and incidents.
  • Managers will benefit from cost savings associated with a reduction in accidents and near misses.
  • Teams involved in a safety scheme will develop better communication skills. 
  • Focusing on safety encourages teamwork and collaboration.
  • Managers who actively support and have input with safety schemes demonstrate leading by example. This fosters trust and respect among employees, creating a positive leadership culture.

In summary, when a business actively participates in a safety scheme, managers experience numerous benefits that extend beyond just the prevention of accidents. It positively impacts organisational culture, financial outcomes, and the overall success and reputation of the business.


How will  this Safety Scheme benefit your organisation

The benefits are not limited to:-

  • Improved incident reporting - safety schemes encourages a culture of reporting incidents and near misses promptly, leading to a more accurate understanding of potential risks.
  • Data driven decision making - access to incident data enables informed decision-making for implementing targeted safety improvements
  • You will have the ability to  to monitor incidents, accidents, and near misses.
  • Financial savings, due to the reduction of Incidents in the work place.
  • Lower Insurance premiums - improved safety schemes can lead to lower insurance premiums, contributing to cost savings.
  • Decreased operational down time - fewer accidents mean reduced downtime leading to increased operational efficiency and financial gains.
  • Finally, you'll be able to congratulate yourself for adopting a Safety scheme that works and is liked by all.

By monitoring incidents & receiving positive feedback from employees and  managers you can  gauge the success of the safety scheme and make informed decisions to further enhance your workplace safety.

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