Vince McDonald

My name is Vince McDonald the creator and proprietor of    Safety 6 Pack.

After leaving school I went on to do a 4 year apprenticeship, obtaining a HNC along the way. After a brief spell as a sales representative, I joined the on-shore oil industry for 34 years working in several different locations.

After retiring at 56, my plans were holidays and some more holidays, it was definitely not to create a Safety System!

However, somehow various memories, thoughts, opinions and observations combined and after a bit of shuffling and refining I realised I had an effective base to create a Safety Scheme on my hands. 

Safety 6 Pack was created and is ready for you to takeaway today.

Belinda McDonald

Admin & Accounts Officer

Having worked for over 25 years in an Admin/Accounts environment, I have continued to build on my knowledge and experience, allowing me to enhance systems that work effectively.  This allows me to navigate complex financial systems, analyse data, and provide valuable insights to support with the decision-making of a company. I am trained in various accounting software and tools, enabling me to streamline processes for individual companies.

Whilst I have a great knowledge of Admin and Accounting software, helping with the development of Safety 6 Pack has further enhanced this knowledge, enabling self development and many new skills. 

 My role within Safety 6 Pack is to ensure smooth running of the accounts and to oversee the day to day running of the business.

Penny McDonald

Sales & Technical Support Manager

The talkative one.

With many years of experience in Sales and Technical Support, I have developed a deep understanding of the industry and acquired extensive knowledge. My expertise in sales strategies and techniques allows me to effectively communicate and engage with customers, ensuring their needs are met.

Additionally, my technical support background enables me to troubleshoot and resolve complex issues efficiently, providing exceptional customer service. Through continuous learning and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends, I am able to deliver optimal solutions and contribute to the success of any sales and technical support issues.

My role within Safety 6 Pack is to keep up-to-date with the sales accounts and overseeing all of the on going technical support requests.

Izzy - Whizzy

Office Moral  Manager and Agent of Chaos

Penny's puppy, who has been with us all in the office helping with all the office filing. 

Specifically qualified to help the office with all mental health issues, and boost our productivity.  She has been known to work in security helping to ensure the safety of all office staff.

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