Why A Safety Scheme?


Safety Schemes offer numerous benefits including, but not limited to, enhanced risk mitigation, improved emergency response, fostering a culture of safety, reducing incidents, accidents, and injuries. Ultimately creating a safer and more resilient environment for everyone.



Choosing a safety scheme provides the assurance of comprehensive risk management, a proactive approach to help prevent incidents and accidents, thus making it a wise investment for long-term safety and resilience. 


Safety 6 Pack - 
The Evolution of an Idea

Safety 6 Pack is an off-the-shelf Safety Scheme suitable for all industries, organisations, and can be used for all employees.

After 34 years of working in the Oil Industry I felt that Accident and Incident Reports left me asking one question.

"Why did a keen, motivated and dedicated employee make an error?"

This led me to re-examine and dig deeper into the incident than had been done before.  Almost like performing an incident autopsy, continually peeling back the layers until a root cause or causes where established. 

And the answer was 6.

6 Causes, which were then flipped and turned into warnings, recommendations and guidelines.  These form the 6 elements of the Safety 6 Pack Scheme.  

Although developed from the Oil Industry, Safety 6 Pack is suitable for all employees from all industries, as the focus is on the Human Element, which can be applied anywhere.


What makes Safety 6 Pack different?

Typical Safety Scheme


  • An in house safety scheme developed in a hurry
  • The ill thought out system is a stale idea
  • Will be disliked by employees
  • Will turn into a box ticking numbers game
  • Will make close to no difference in number of incidents/ accidents
  • Not user friendly for everyone
  • Does not take into account human error
  • More costly in all areas to create, distribute, and maintain
  • Reactive approach to incidents
  • Poor data for reporting to upline management

Safety 6 Pack


  • Been developed over many years
  • Unique in approach and execution
  • Will be liked and remembered by employees
  • Will remain useful and relevant
  • Will reduce incidents / accidents
  • User friendly for all who need to access the information
  • Has explored the human behaviours factors that cause incidents/ accidents
  • A low cost, off the shelf solution is just one click away
  • Proactive approach to workplace safety
  • Data is easy to collate for reports and audits


So, how does Safety 6 Pack work?

Firstly, the 6 elements are presented and explained in detail, with exercises and questions along the way to check understanding and knowledge.


Secondly this the participants will receive a Safety 6 Pack reminder card, containing the 6 elements of the scheme. These credit card sized reminders serve as a handy reference point not only during the presentation but also in the work place.

The elements are then applied to previous examples and will be applied to future examples of incidents allowing the root cause/s to be identified and understood.



Thirdly, the incident sheet is introduced and explained. This is where incidents/accidents are recorded as well as near-misses. 

The elements are then applied to establish the root cause of the incident.

This information can be then shared within your company/organisation (during a safety meeting is usually the perfect opportunity) to understand the incident and so hopefully prevent others from making the same error.



The final part of the incident sheet is something no other safety scheme has dared to do. It invites the creator of the incident sheet to feedback on the effectiveness of Safety 6 Pack. This also provides easily available and meaningful data for stewardship purposes




What do I get?

Full Safety 6 Pack presentation with side notes sent by email

Full set of separate notes for the presentation printed and PDF version by email

One Safety 6 Pack ring binder, containing the 6 elements of the scheme, plus blank incident sheets, usage sheets and presentation feedback sheets

Convenient Element reminder cards (credit card sized) the amount of these will be determined during your order stage

Extra ring binders and reminder cards are available to order at an additional cost

Any special requests need to be discussed before price establishment

*  At extra cost - Personal Presentation by Vince McDonald (Creator of Safety 6 Pack) *



Time Eater?  Time Commitment 

Not long at all!

Safety 6 Pack has been specially designed to be simple, logical and effective not only for the users but also those who will oversee and steward the system. 

Indeed, it is anticipated that due to a reduction in incidents , Safety 6 Pack will end up saving and not costing your precious time and money.



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